Monday, March 17, 2014

Kiss me, I'm Irish Book Tag:

Happy St. Patrick's day! I watched Shannon 's video on YouTube, and it looked like a lot of fun. The original tag was created by Snoggin on Sunday Books.

The premise of the tag is to pair up an "Irish" word with a book. It seems really fun and festive so let's get started.

Kiss Me I'm Irish Book Tag questions


Green-a book with a green cover

Blarney- a book that deceived you into either liking it or was overhyped and you ended up disliking it

Guys, I was super pumped about Panic, but I don't like it. I'm trying to get through it, but it is putting me in a kinda reading slump.

Brogue- (dialect) a book where one of the characters has an accent

It was a little hard to read Jim's parts, but after awhile it became easier. I personally loved that Mark Twain wrote his dialogue that way. It really gets the reader connected to the character.

Leprechaun-a book you enjoyed when you were a little person

I loved this series back in the day. 

Pot of Gold-a book that cost you a lot or is of great value to you

This series is important to me because it really got me back into reading. 

Four-leaf clover or shamrock-four leaves=more than one book. Pick your current or old favorite series 
This is a new favourite. I'm on book 3, and I'm hooked. Who doesn't love sexy aliens?

Magic-a book that you found magical or a book where you enjoyed a magic element that was found in the storyline 
It's not technically magic, but it's about mind reading. I personally think that's magical; ) I was super surprised by how much I enjoyed this book. I got it for free on my kindle, and it was awesome. 

Kiss-Your current favorite book pairing or you're all time favorite book pairing
I love Penryn and Raffe : )

Luck-a book on your shelf that you will luckily get to...someday
I've had this book for a long time. It sounds awesome. 

Jig-a book that if you don't currently own but if could get a hold of it-it would make you dance with joy. (Can be a book that isn't released yet or a book you'd really like to own)

Rainbow-That's you! Lead other booktubers to this "pot of gold" tag-Tag your favorite friends to do this tag!! :D 

I don't have anyone to tag but you should do it if your interested.

Until next time,

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