Sunday, January 8, 2017

 Year in Review 2016 Edition

I read a total of 23 books in 2016. My goal was 40, so I really fell short. Life happened.

Here are a few stats:

Image result for the nameless ridge
-Shortest Book:
The Walk Up Nameless Ridge by Hugh Howey

It is a whopping 12 pages. I was interested in Hugh Howey's writing style. I had heard good things, but I believe the topic just wasn't for me. I gave the short story a 3 stars.

Second Chance Summer
-Longest Book:
Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

Second Chance Summer is 468 pages. This is my second novel by Matson. I have also read Amy and Rodger's Epic Detour. SCS is very different from AARED. It is about a young girl and her family who find out tragic news about her father. The family decide to go away for the summer to spend quality time together. I rated this a 3 stars.

A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1)
-Most Popular Book on Goodreads I Read: 
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

My review on Goodreads:
 "ACOTAR is a awesome book. I enjoyed reading it, however I do have a few issues with it. It took me so long to finish. I believe that some of the story was drug out. Feyre drove me nuts. I hated that she continuously put herself in harms way. I kind of got a Twilight vibe. Overall all it was a fun and enjoyable read. I've heard such amazing things about the second book that I'm excited to read it."
I gave it a 4 stars. 

I Hate Fairyland #2
 -Least Read Book on Goodreads:
I Hate Fairyland Volume 2 by Skottie Young and Jean-Francois Beaulieu (Illustrator)

I freaking LOVE this series. It is about this "little" girl who is trapped in Fairyland. In Volume 1, Gertrude is searching for a key that will send her back home. Obviously, she hasn't found the key. She is a kickass, ruthless character who wants nothing more than to leave Fairyland. Everyone should read this series. It is my favorite graphic novel series. I gave it a 4.5 stars. 

The Girl in 6E (Deanna Madden, #1) 
-My Favorite Book of the Year:
The Girl in 6E by A.R. Torre

This book is completely unforgettable. It is definitely for an older audience. Boy oh boy is it an eventful ride that keeps you reading until the very end. It is labeled as an exotic thriller about a young woman who is addicted to killing people. She has locked herself in her apartment to prevent herself from hurting anyone. If that doesn't sound interesting, I don't know what does? I, of course, rated it 5 stars. 


Saturday, January 7, 2017

It has been a while since I posted anything on my blog. This year a goal of mine is to do more things that make me happy. This blog is something that I really enjoyed working on. So for the year of 2017 I will try to keep this updated. 

I will start by listing a few of my bookish goals for 2017:

-I would like to read 30 books this year. A kid and a full time job is a lot, so 30 seems very doable.

-I have to finish 4 series. (One of those has to be Winter from the Lunar Chronicles)

-Make reading more of a priority. I need to spend less time on social media and more time reading.

-Buy less books

-Read book 1 of the Harry Potter series (I have never read the series before, and I feel like I'm really missing out).

All four of these seem reasonable. Although, I do have a few gift cards burning a hole in my pocket. I have my eye on a few new releases that I'm excited for.

My next post will be about my favorite books that I read last year. 

Until next time,